Cynosure.X International LLC



  • Cyno's Role-Play
    Universal role-playing game system and adventure scenarios. This games system covers settings for all time periods: fantasy, contemporary, and science fiction.
  • ezAudioBook
    Classic tales in convenient hands-free format. ezAudioBook's has no DRM protection so you can enjoy them on virtually any device.


  • Perfect Mileage Logger
    A freeware licensed under GPL to help you log business and personal miles. You can then use the log to file your tax return at the end of the year.

Google Android Apps

See our full line of Android apps by clicking here.

Kik Apps

Java Applications
These applications and applets run on any system platform (OS/2, Windows 95/NT, Mac OS, UNIX, etc) with the Java runtime.

  • BinDump 1.0
    Freeware, command-line utility to dump out the binaries in a files.
  • CI Class Package
    This package consists of a number of Java class libraries to speed up your software development. CI Class Package is free to use and distribute. However, please read the license agreement for limitations.
  • Cyno's DigiClock 2.5
    This freeware application displays the current day, date, and time on your desktop. The included applet version allows you to display a clock on your web page. Because Cyno's DigiClock is written in Java, you can now change OS without changing your clock.
  • Cyno's Editor 4.3
    Cyno's Editor is a text editor written for the Java Platform. It is similar to Windows' Notepad, OS/2's System Editor, and X Window's Text Editor, and more! Now you can work on different systems, but use the same text editor, the same user-interface, and all of the features combined. Tired of Notepad's deficience at reading UNIX generated text files? Cyno's Editor can read them without a hitch. Download our working preview today, and see for yourself.
  • Cyno's FileSplitter/Splicer 1.3
    Cyno's FileSplitter/Splicer (CFS) is a file splitting and splicing utility, which allows you to transfer large files using disks and removable cartridges.
  • Cyno's StickyNotes 2.0
    Cyno's StickyNotes is a virtual post-it note desktop application. It is object-oriented and multi-threaded.
  • Cyno's ImageViewer
    This image viewer displays GIF and JPEG files. It offers zoom, pane, and other features.
  • Cyrah New!
    Cyrah is a operating system independent task automator. It is a virtual personal assistant that can make your job easier.
  • finger 1.0
    Freeware, Java command-line finger utility to display user information on remote server.
  • Fold 1.0 Alpha
    Freeware, Java command-line utility to break up lines in text files or standard input.
  • InetAddr
    This little utility shows your local IP address. With an additional command-line argument, it'll show you the IP address of a remote host.
  • JDJ Class Package 1.0
    This package consists of numerous modules from the Java Developer's Journal source code archive.
  • JSweeper
    JSweeper is a clone of the classic Mine Sweeper game. It works with virtually any browser. Now you can practically play it on any computer platform from anywhere in the world.
  • Multi-Files Rename
    Multi-Files Rename (MFR) allows a number of files with the same prefix to be renamed easily, all at once.
  • StripBlankLines 1.0
    StripBlankLines is a command-line utility to take text as an input and output text with the blank lines stripped. Input can be piped in from text files or other programs. Output can be redirected to files or piped to other programs.
  • Tetris
    Tetris is a classic real-time puzzle game. It works with virtually any browser. Now you can practically play it on any computer platform from anywhere in the world.
  • WordWrap 1.0 Alpha
    Freeware, Java command-line utility to break up lines and wrap words in text files or standard input.


  • exDEL 1.2
    Replacement for DOS's delete command. It is capable of removing directories without having you delete the files within first.
    Changes your EGA and VGA display to 43 and 50 lines of text, respectively.

HP 48

  • Cyno Draw 1.1
    This is an excellent bitmap drawing/editing software for the powerful hand-held calculator. It reads and generates GROB files.

Mac OS X

  • MacStartup
    An easy and quick interface to have Mac OS X automatically start various objects when you boot up your computer.
  • MagicMenu
    This is a set of Mac OS X utilities that helps you auto-hide the top menu bar for a single individual application or for bunch of applications.
  • Spotlight Manager New!
    This is a set of Mac OS X utilities that disables and enables Spotlight on your Apple computer.


  • Cyno's BlankIt! 3.0
    Need a screen saver for OS/2? Get a copy of our latest version today. It is the screen saver that should have bundled with Warp.



  • Insert Delete Swapper
    This is a small Windows utility to swap the Insert and the Delete keys on your keyboard.
  • Key Lock Manipulator
    This is a set of utilities that allows you to change the state of Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock.
  • Map Japanese Backslash Key to Right Shift
    If you installed English version of Windows on your Japanese computer, you'll have some dead keys on your keyboard. This small utility maps one of the dead keys to make it useful.
  • Movie Info
    Find plot summary of your movie files with simple drag-and-drop operation.
  • NWN Characters Cleaner
    Clean up all of your Neverwinter Nights characters with a single click.
  • Random Sound Board
    Do you want to play random spooky sounds for your Halloween haunted house? This free Windows software is the perfect trick for the night.
  • Restart Later
    This utility pushes the "Restart Later" button when the nagging Windows Update message pops-up. Works with Microsoft Windows XP.
  • Shutdown Windows
    This utility allows you to log out, reboot, and shutdown Windows using the Windows-L, Windows-R, and Windows-S hotkeys.
  • Switch Mouse Buttons New!
    This is a small Windows utility to swap the mouse buttons quickly for right-handed or left-handed use.
  • TakeControl
    This is a Windows XP and Vista utility to regain ownership and obtain permission to files/directories that you own. It removes the "Access is Denied" messages when you operate on your file system.
  • Windows Key
    This is a small Windows utility that lets you activate the physical Windows key through other means (e.g. mouse click, etc.).

Windows 3.1

  • Cyno Screen Capturer 1.3
    This is an excellent freeware screen capturer for Windows 3.1. We received many praises from our users.

Windows Mobile / Pocket PC

  • Power Explorer
    This is a File Explorer replacement that allows you to do a lot more with your directories and files. For example, you can change the file name extension on your Windows Mobile and Pocket PC device.

Windows NT

  • rmdirtree.bat 1.0
    This Windows NT batch file utility is equivalent to the DELTREE command in DOS and Windows 95. It deletes all files and directory, recursively, in a tree structure. Freeware.

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