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Wiki: Universal Card Game

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How to Assemble a Card Deck

There are many pre-built card decks for the Universal Card Game. You can see examples of these pre-built card decks in the Card Decks directory. But some times you may want to customize a deck or create a completely new deck. This documents shows you how to do that for the Universal Card Game.

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Creating a New Deck

The first thing to do is to decide on a name for your deck. You can see example names in the Card Decks directory. Once you have decided on a name, click here to create the deck in the Card Decks directory. Fill in the name of your deck where it says "Topic". Leave the "Forum" field blank.

Alternatively, you can go to the Card Decks directory and click on "Create a Page" to start creating a new deck.

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Adding Cards to the Deck

In this step, you will add cards to the empty deck you just created. Each card must be placed on its own line in the deck document. Empty line in the deck document is ignored. Each card line must be in the following format.

<p>card name<br class="delimiter">card description</p>

Fill in the name of the card at the "card name" location. Fill in the description at the "card description" location. The description may be blank. The following is an example deck containing three cards: Sun, Earth, and Moon.

<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Earth<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a planet.</p>
<p>Moon<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a satellite.</p>

After you have finished adding cards to the deck, click on the "Save" button to save it. You can always modify and fix errors in the future.

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Modifying Your Deck

After creating and saving your deck, it will show up in the Card Decks directory. You can click on it to see its content. You can then use the "Edit" function toward the top and the bottom of your deck document to change it.

Because your card deck document is managed using the MyInk Document system, it is revision tracked so that you can always retrieve any information you've entered. For more information on how to use the MyInk Document System, please see the "Help" section.

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Identical Cards

You can add multiple identical cards to your deck. For example, if you want three Sun cards, then add three identical lines to the deck. The following is the Sun, Earth, and Moon deck with three Sun cards.

<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Earth<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a planet.</p>
<p>Moon<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a satellite.</p>

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Stacking Decks

You can play with multiple decks. Let say you want to play with 2 decks of the Sun, Earth, and Moon cards. Just make a new deck and copy-and-paste the content of the Sun, Earth, and Moon deck into your new deck twice. The following shows a stacking of two decks.

<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Earth<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a planet.</p>
<p>Moon<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a satellite.</p>

<p>Sun<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a star.</p>
<p>Earth<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a planet.</p>
<p>Moon<br class="delimiter">This card symbolizes a satellite.</p>

You can stack the deck as many times as you like. You can use this technique to stack distinct decks as well.

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Playing with Your New Deck

After finishing your deck, you'll be anxious to play with it. Round up some friends. Go to the Universal Card Game. Your deck will show up in the pull-down lists. Start a new game or join a game with your new deck.

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