Cynosure.X International LLC

United States Population Clock

RedOrbit posted a news article titled, "Next Stop for U.S. Population", on Thursday, 5 October 2006, 12:00 CDT. (See "Related Links" below.) This news article claimed . . .

"As of Wednesday evening, the clock read 299,904,943. The constantly updated estimate is based on a baby being born every seven seconds, someone dying every 13 seconds and a new immigrant arriving every 31 seconds. The net result: the nation adds one person every 11 seconds."

If the U.S. population really increases by one person every second, then what the population is now. The Java applet on this page shows the current U.S. Population in real-time. The number is calculated every eleven seconds starting from the population and time indicated within that article.

You can use this Java applet to compare the data produced from article versus the population clock on the Census Bureau web site (see "Related Links" below). Come back a year from now, five years from now, or even ten years from now and see how the real population has changed from forecast. Or just display this continuously updating population clock on your computer for fun.

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