Perfect Mileage LoggerPerfect Mileage Logger gives you an automated method to log your mileage throughout the year. At the end of the year, you will have an excellent log to file your tax return. The Perfect Mileage Logger currently supports the daily log method and the year log method. We are looking to add the weekly log and monthly log methods in the future. Perfect Mileage Logger runs on various operating systems, including Linux, Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and various others. It works with OpenOffice Calc and Microsoft Office Excel. Please see the download section below. Perfect Mileage Logger is a free software that you can use without any charge. So download away and use it to log all your business miles. There is no support, no warranty, and no liability associated to Perfect Mileage Logger of any kind. Perfect Mileage Logger is distributed with source code under the General Public License (GPL). You are welcome to modify it in anyway for your own purpose. You may freely distribute the Perfect Mileage Logger and your modifications by following the GPL. Please see the General Public License on this site. If you have questions regarding the Perfect Mileage Logger, feel free to post and discuss them in our forum. DownloadRelated Links
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