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Delete (Freeware)

Every operating system has a file deletion command. In DOS it's "del". In UNIX it's "rm". So why would you need a file delete utility written in Java?

Today, I found a file called "--ignore-failed-read" on my Linux box. It's taking up 76 MB of space. Quite bit for a file that I don't recall. And, of course, I couldn't delete it in the BASH command prompt. It was on a remote system that doesn't have X. And I couldn't figure out how to "rm" it within 10 minutes. If you tried it, you would have gotten the following error message:

rm: unrecognized option `--ignore-failed-read'
Try `rm --help' for more information.

I've already tried all permutation of *, ?, ", etc. I had no other ideas. Rather than spending another 10 minutes on figuring how to do it, I decided to spend 10 minutes writing this Java Delete utility. If you know how to do it, fill us in. If you came here trying to delete a nuisance file, download the Delete utility.

Delete is a command-line Java software that will delete files that you specify. Delete comes in handy when you have a file that is troublesome to delete. You don't have to remember string/pattern rules, because Delete doesn't take any arguments other than the file/path name. This software understands standard file specification masks, so you can execute it on a number of files at once. Because Delete is written as a command-line utility, it can be used in custom batch files and custom scripts.

Delete is written in Java, so it will run on any Java-supported operating system. Delete takes advantage of the CI Class Package 5.4 or newer. You will have to download the CI Class Package and install it if you don't have it already.

Delete is distributed as Freeware. Please see the "Freeware License Agreement" elsewhere on this site.


  Usage: java Delete "file 1" [ ... "file n" ]

Attached File: Delete.class (2 KB)

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 19:05:07 -0800

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