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Android 2.2 Emulator Won't Finish Booting

For the past six months or so, I've been running the Android 1.5 and Android 2.1 emulator on my netbook. Today, I needed the Android 2.2 emulator, because I have created an app that is for Android 2.2 and higher. However, when I try to run the emulator, it gets to the graphical Android interface and just sits there with the animation. I tried the Android 2.3 emulator as well and it does the same. I couldn't find any way around this problem. Has anyone seen the same and got around it?

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 18 May 2011 07:00:11 +0000

I got Android 2.3 emulator to work last night. Had to borrow a trick from running my Android 2.1 emulator. And that trick is to use the "-bootchart" argument. On Android 2.1 emulator, I had to use "-bootchart 100" to get the network to work. Otherwise, Android 2.1 emulator boots up without access to the Internet.

I tried "-bootchart 100" on Android 2.2 emulator and it didn't work. The emulator still got stuck at the Android animation. Next, I tried "-bootchart 300" on Android 2.3. So, I'm guessing that somewhere between 100 and 300 is the optimal value. The following is the command I used to run the emulator:

    emulator -avd Android_2.3 -bootchart 300

There is still one problem. After Android 2.3 boots up, it still does not have Internet connection. So maybe the bootchart value needs to be longer.

It's funny that the "-bootchart" argument is not documented in the Android emulator reference. However, this page gives a better description of it: Using Bootchart on Android

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 18 May 2011 16:11:34 +0000

Got network to work on Android 2.3 with the following command:

  emulator -avd Android_2.3 -bootchart 500 -debug all

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 18 May 2011 18:59:38 +0000

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