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TakeControl 3.0

I just noticed that on one of my computers, C:\Program Files\TakeControl folder contains 3261 files, many of them being Windows system related dlls. I have TakeCotrol installed on other computers and none of them have anywhere near this many files. The files that are in that folder in my other systems are absent from the system having the large file count. Is it safe to assume that this is not at all normal? Has anyone else experienced this?

Mon, 28 Sep 2015 20:15:01 +0400

That is not normal. There shouldn't be that many files there. After moving whatever files you want to keep out of that folder, you should be able to delete the entire "TakeControl" directory and re-install TakeControl.

Mon, 28 Sep 2015 21:56:17 +0400

I jsut downloaded the most current version but when I try to install it on windows 8.1 I get a constant loop of cmd.exe windows looking for administrator privleges. only way to get out is ctrl c.


brian kerner
Sat, 07 Nov 2015 02:20:54 +0300

Is the account you are trying to install on an administrator? If not, it won't work. You have to be an administrator to install TakeControl on Windows 8.1; it's security measure is extremely high.

If you do have administrator privilege, try right clicking on the install script and select "Run as administrator".

Mon, 09 Nov 2015 01:54:30 +0300

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