Desproxy is a set of GPL tools for tunneling TCP connection through HTTP proxies. Bored of having HTTP-only connection to the Internet? Tired of ...
Mac OS X 10.8.3 Applications and Their Locations. /Applications: App Store.app Automator.app Calculator.app Calendar.app Chess.app Contacts.app DVD ...
In addition, TrackBack can be used as a form of remote commenting. Rather than posting the comment directly on this thread, you can posts it on your own weblog.
SleepWatcher does not facilitate automated un-install. Instead, you have to manually uninstall all of the files distributed throughout Mac OS X. The "Fix for ...
Here is a list of domains on Mac OS X 10.5.4. You can use it with the "defaults" command to read and write the values. AdvancedProfileSetting Profile com.apple.
For compatibility with Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier, sleepwatcher is a clas- sical daemon and therefore not compliant with launchd of Mac OS X 10.4 and later.
Mac OS X 10.5.4 Applications and Their Locations. /Applications/: Address Book.app Automator.app Calculator.app Chess.app DVD Player.app Dashboard.app ...
desproxy OR compiled OR mac OR os OR x site:CynosureX.com from www.cynosurex.com
A tool to perform a disappearing act for your Mac OS X top menu bar. ... MagicMenu is a set of freeware utilities that allows you to auto-hide the top menu bar in ...
Another way is to press Command-Option-Escape and Force Restart Finder. If it restarts, a fraction of a second, it was closed, isn't it? (Or press Option and ...
You can first turn off MagicMenu for applications that you want to have auto-hide disabled. After that, just drag and drop the MagicMenu folder with its ...