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For the longest time, I have this Print Crop Tool on my HP 48 calculator. As a photographer, this tool is extremely handy for calculating the crop size of a ...
A few days ago, I came across TakeControlOf.zip, which contained a very small TakeControlOf.cmd batch file. There were only two lines in this simple batch file ...
I found a bug with "IsDirectory.bat" where it couldn't recognize "..\" as a directory. And it couldn't recognize drives (e.g. "e:\") as directories. I've ...
To make your life easier, we have written a Windows batch script to enable the NTP server. The "Start NTP Server.cmd" batch script is attached below. Download ...
So I had to update the SetVariableToOutput.bat script to write its temporary files to the temporary directory specified by the Windows environment variable % ...
"HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" is a Windows batch program that can helps you determine whether your script is running as administrator or not. "HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" ...
HasNUL.bat returns "true" if the NUL device exists, while it returns "false" if the NUL device doesn't exist. The following is an example of using HasNUL.bat in ...
cmd" is Windows batch program that elevates a script or program to admin level. This script does the same thing as you right-clicking on a program and select " ...
This "basename.bat" is a Windows batch program that performs the same function as as the UNIX "basename" command. And that function is to strip the parent ...