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Wiki: Universal Card Game

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Virtual Card Table

After starting a game, joining a game, or clicking on an existing game, you will be presented with the virtual card table. The virtual card table is divided into multiple fields. Each player has a field on the virtual game table, in addition to the common field for all players.

Each field is sub-divided into "In Play", "In Hand", "Deck", "Discard", and "Removed" piles. The cards shown in the "In Play" category are cards that has been played on the table. The "In Hand" category shows all the cards that are in the player's hand. It is only visible to the player holding the cards.

The deck pile is for drawing fresh cards. In most card games, like Black Jack or Poker, only the common deck pile has any cards. All players draws from the common deck piles. In other games, players may have their own card decks. Cards in the draw deck do not show up on the virtual game table individually. Instead, you will see the number of cards in the deck.

The discard pile is for discarding cards that are out of play. In most card games, all players will be discarding cards into the common discard pile. Some games, mostly with games that has individual draw decks, requires that players discard to their own discard pile. Cards in the discard pile do not show up on the virtual game table individually. Instead, you will see the number of cards in the pile.

The removed pile is for discarding cards that are removed from the game. Most standard playing card games do not make use of this pile. But some specialized card games do. Card in the removed pile do not show up on the virtual game table individually. Instead, you will see the number of cards in the pile.

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