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Older Revision of Explanation of Icon Control Functions

Revision: 20080117_072344 | All Revisions

Explanation of Icon Control Functions

Field Controls

Sort - Sorts the card that are in play and in your hand.

Unmark All - Unmark all of the in play cards that have been marked previously.

Clear - Cleans up the in play card and in hands cards and shuffles the deck you started with.

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In Play Controls

The cards in your in play area has three rows of icon. The second and third rows has the same icons. The second row icon functionality applies to your own personal play area. The third row icon functionality applies to the common play area.

- Examines the card. Usually only the name of the card is displayed on the virtual card table. Click on this icon to see the detail of the card.

- Mark the card. This function marks the card. It's used to show that the card is in use, tapped, etc.

- Flips the card over.

- Pick up the card and place in your hand.

- Place the card on the top of the draw deck.

- Place the card on the bottom of the draw deck.

- Shuffles the card into the draw deck.

- Discard the card.

- Remove the card from the game.

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In Hand Controls

The cards in your in play area has three rows of icon. The second and third rows has the same icons. The second row icon functionality applies to your own personal play area. The third row icon functionality applies to the common play area.

- Examines the card. Usually only the name of the card is displayed on the virtual card table. Click on this icon to see the detail of the card.

- Play a card face up.

- Play a card face down.

- Place the card on the top of the draw deck.

- Place the card on the bottom of the draw deck.

- Shuffles the card into the draw deck.

- Discard the card.

- Remove the card from the game.

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Deck Controls

- Draws a card from the top of the deck.

- Draws a card from the bottom of the deck.

- Shuffles the deck.

- Look at your draw, discard, or removed deck. From that screen, you'll be able to bring a card back into your hand. For the draw deck, the order you see your cards is a shuffled version of what's in the deck, thus preventing you from knowing what you will draw next.

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Game Controls

Join Game - If you are not a player in a game that you are watching, but you are logged in, the system will offer you to join the game.

Login - If you are not logged in, use this option to log into your account.

Register - If you do not have an account, use this option to create a free account so you can play.

Reload - Other player may have updated their field or the common field. If you perform any actions, the game board will automatically reload. But if you are just watching, you'll have to manually click this option, or the browser's refresh button, to see changes.

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