Cyno's Editor is an universal text editor written for the Java Platform.
It is similar to OS/2's System Editor, Windows' Notepad, and X Window's
Text Editor, and more! Now you can work on different systems, but use the
same text editor, the same user-interface, and all of the features combined.
In addition, Cyno's Editor uses native text edit controls, so it works
just like your other applications.
Unlike other toy-applets, Cyno's Editor is a text editor application
with all the features you'd expect; open and save; copy, cut and paste;
find and replace; upper or lowercase; etc. The text editors bundled with
each operating system (OS) have neither a universal user-interface nor
the same functionality. Users who constantly switch between OS or text
editors will greatly benefit from the universal interface and functionality
that Cyno's Editor provides.
Tired of Notepad's deficiency at reading UNIX generated text files?
Cyno's Editor can read them without a hitch. It can even write text file
with various different end-of-line (EOL) characters.
Now, with the programmable plug-in interface, the functionality of the
editor is virtually endless!
New Features
Cut/copy/paste/delete accessible via the pull-down menu and the button
Print and print content fully implemented. Font selectable though the print
setup dialog.
Multiple windows support. A clone feature allows you to make an exact copy
of your work without leaving the editor.
Uses Java 1.1 lightweight component for less resource and faster execution.
A better exception handler to automate error correction.
Fully functional: open/save, copy/cut/paste, find/replace, upper/lowercase,
Customizable: include full set of font, style, size, and color via the
font selection dialog.
Status bar display current path and file location, line number, and column.
Remembers the last four loaded files. File names are updated and displayed
in the File Menu.
Support icon tool bar and floating icon tool bar. Both may be used at the
same time.
Internet-enabled. Sending text through e-mail. This feature combined with
the Open-URL, and a mail filter on a remote system, allows the retrieval
and storage of remote documents.
Multi-threaded for efficient performance;
Plug-in interface! This capability supports a Java programmable interface,
which allow you to implement or add virtually any feature to the editor.
Support the UTF-8 encode file format. Support the Unicode file format (automatic
in Java 1.1).
Based on Java 1.1 event model for faster and cleaner code execution.
Written in 100% pure Java for cross-platform portability.
System Requirements
Cyno's Editor requires a computer capable of running a Java platform 1.1
or higher. The Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit must be
installed. Various free Java virtual machines are available on the Internet.
Cyno's Editor also requires the CI Class Package 3.1 or higher. The
archive EditorPak.zip includes the class package. If you downloaded Editor.zip,
you can download and install the class package directly from our
We have tested Cyno's Editor with the following Systems:
Windows NT/95
Sun Java Development Kit 1.1.5
Cyno's Editor, its manual, and its web pages are
Copyright (C) 1997 - 2008 by
Chieh Cheng.
All Rights Reserved.