Cynosure.X International

Getting Started

Cyno's Editor is distributed in the industry standard ZIP format. To de-archive the ZIP files, you will need an unzip utility. More then likely, you already have one installed. If not, you can download the latest, free unzip utility from Info-ZIP.

Installing the Program

Once you have the unzip utility handy, you need to decide where you would like to place Cyno's Editor on your hard drive. Most likely, you would select 'C:\' or 'C:\Program Files'. Any directory is fine. Place the Cyno's Editor archive in that drive and directory.

Windows NT/95 Users, we suggest the 'C:\Program Files' directory. Otherwise, you will have to modify the 'EditorWin.bat' file to accommodate your selection.

If your unzip utility is a command-line version, rather than a windowed version, then follow the following instructions. Open a command-line window (For example, Command Prompt, etc), and change into the drive/directory you wish to place Cyno's Editor. Type one of the following, depending on which distribution you have:

unzip Editor     or     unzip EditorPak
The command above will automatically create a directory called 'Cyno's Editor'.

Running the Program

To run Cyno's Editor, change into the Cyno's Editor directory. Then type:
java Editor
Or if you are using either OS/2 or Windows, you may simply execute one of the batch files provided.

Command-Line Options

There are no command-line options for Cyno's Editor. However, you may specify a file name on the command-line, in which Cyno's Editor will attempt to read. Example,
java Editor readme.txt

OS/2 Set-Up

To set-up a Cyno's Editor icon on your OS/2 desktop, drag a 'program' template onto your desktop. The properties box, shown below, should display automatically. Use the 'Find' button to find the 'EDITOR.CMD' file and make sure to fill out the 'Working directory' field. Note that on my system, I placed Cyno's Editor in the 'D:\ENHANCE\CYNO'S EDITOR' directory; yours may differ.

Click on the 'Association' tag. A window, like the one shown below, will be displayed with nothing specified in 'Current types'. Add the 'Plain Text' and 'text/html' types by selecting them in the 'Available types' and press the 'Add ' button. Add other types as you wish.

Now we are at the last step of creating a OS/2 icon. Click on the 'Icon' tag. Enter 'Cyno's Editor' as the 'Title' in the window. Then click on the 'Find' button to find the Cyno's Editor icon. When presented with a window full of icons, select 'EDITOROS240x40.ICO' and press 'OK'. Close the 'properties' box and we are done.

Windows 95 Set-Up

We have already created a shortcut for your Windows 95 workstation. Simply drag the "Cyno's Editor 95" icon from the "Cyno's Editor" folder to the "Start" menu.

Finally, double-click the "Cyno's Editor.reg" file to load system information into your Windows Registry.

Windows NT Set-Up

We have already created a shortcut for your NT workstation. Simply drag the "Cyno's Editor NT" icon from the "Cyno's Editor" folder to the "Start" menu.

Finally, double-click the "Cyno's Editor.reg" file to load system information into your Windows Registry.

Cyno's Editor, its manual, and its web pages are Copyright © 1997 - 2008 by Chieh Cheng. All Rights Reserved.