Cynosure.X International LLC

Software: Cyno's Editor


After spending some time writing plug-ins for Cyno's Editor, we have made some of our efforts public. The plug-ins are available in both binary and source code form. The binaries are ready to use. Simply dump them in the plug_ins directory in your Cyno's Editor directory. The source codes are for you to examine and help you get started on writing your own plug-ins.

We would love to hear from you about our plug-ins. And if you have plug-ins that you like to submit to us, please feel free to do so. Send us the plug-in in binary, source code, or both. We will examine them and post them on-line.

Some unlisted plug-ins are available in this directory.

Add Strip Leading Spaces will definitely delight any programmer by allowing them to shift blocks of code. To add/strip spaces:

  1. Highlight the block of code to shift.
  2. Enter the amount of space to add or strip. Use a positive number to add and a negative number to strip.
  3. Click on the 'Add/Strip' button.
AddStripLeadingSpaces.class compiled binary source code

With the development in Unicode and internationalization, character set now comprises more characters than what is available on the keyboard. Insert Unicode In Hex will benefit writers who need to generate extended characters. Simply type in the hex value of the characters, separated by spaces, and press Enter.

InsertUnicodeInHex.class compiled binary source code

Although a less useful plug-in, Reverse Selection demonstrates the simplicity of implementing a Cyno's Editor plug-in. See if for yourself.

ReverseSelection.class compiled binary source code

Transferring files among different system and network is a big headache for all. Sometimes extra returns and spaces are added between each line of text. Strip Extra White Spaces helps alleviate some of these problems by stripping extra spaces in the selected block.

StripExtraWhiteSpaces.class compiled binary source code

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