Cynosure.X International LLC


Cyno's Editor

Cyno's Editor is a universal text editor written for the Java Platform. It is similar to OS/2's System Editor, Windows' Notepad, and X Window's Text Editor, and more! Now you can work on different systems, but use the same text editor, the same user-interface, and all of the features combined.

Cyno's Editor is a text editor application with all the features you'd expect; open and save; copy, cut and paste; find and replace; upper or lowercase; etc. The text editors bundled with various operating system (OS) have neither an universal user-interface nor the same functionality. Users who constantly switch between computers and operating systems will greatly benefit from the universal interface and common functionality that Cyno's Editor provides.

Tired of Notepad's deficiency at reading UNIX generated text files? Cyno's Editor can read them without a hitch. It can even write text file with different end-of-line (EOL) characters that are native on different operating systems.

Now, the programmable plug-in interface brings virtually endless functionalities to Cyno's Editor!

New: Cyno's Editor 4.3 is now available. The current build is 20130221.

System Requirement:
  • Java Runtime 1.4 or higher
Only $25 direct! $15 for academic purposes. Source code available. See order page for details.

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