Unary expressions are often used to examine the status of a file. There are string operators as well, and numeric comparison operators. File operators: -a FILE ...
"StrLen.cmd" is a Windows batch program that calculates the length of the specified string. You can call this script from your own custom batch script to ...
You can use it to test the validity of user input, etc. This script outputs a '1' for true and a '0' for false. IsNumber.sh is distributed as executable ...
Using SpeakNotes to Test Your Spoken English Fluency. TrackBack URL: *. Excerpt ... Test your English speech with SpeakNotes. If SpeakNotes can properly ...
test · time · times · trap · true · type · typeset · ulimit · umask · unalias · unset · until · variables · wait · while · {. Products | Services · Forums | ...
ssh.tcl is an Expect Tcl script is a wrapper for the "ssh" command. It improves on "ssh" by allowing you to specifying password as a command- ...
This script has been tested on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. "Start NTP Server.cmd" takes advantage of the following batch files. They are also available on ...
UI Demo in MDILet. This is to test MDILet that comes with SUN's java wireless took kit and how it runs on IBM's MIDP Emulator, installed on verizon wireless ...
Lightbox JS. This technology, when used on your web site, allows visitors to click on thumbnail images to overlay the full-size image on your web page.
MagicMenu: Cannot Use Spotlight. I just wanted to report a bug in 3.0, when using Magic Menu on 10.5.8 I cannot use Spotlight from the Menu Bar.