This object provides the ability to store and read-back integer-based configuration. ConfigureINI, Reads and writes Windows INI configuration files.
This method puts a configuration value into this object. boolean, read() Reads the configuration file. java.lang.String, remove(java.lang.String section, java ...
After doing some more digging, I found that "%systemroot%\system32\drivers\null.sys" is missing on WinFLP, while it exists on Windows XP. Could this have to do ...
How does one uninstall your magic Menu product. it appears that Magic Menu is causing a conflict between Bento 3.0 (Filemaker product) and Mac OSX 10.6.1 (Snow ...
"HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" is distributed as executable source code under the GNU General Public License. Please see the license agreement elsewhere on this site.
MagicMenu: Cannot Use Spotlight. I just wanted to report a bug in 3.0, when using Magic Menu on 10.5.8 I cannot use Spotlight from the Menu Bar.
Calculates the distance between this Point2D and the specified Point2D. boolean, equals(java.lang.Object obj) Checks whether two pointers are equal. Point2D ...
youos OR programming OR pitfall OR this OR object site:CynosureX.com from cynosurex.com
Well, I used MagicMenu 3.0 to hide the Menu Bar in many applications, but appears I have a bug (isolated?) - The Finders Menu Bar overlays every other Menu Bar ...
Feb 18, 2009 · ssh.tcl is an Expect Tcl script is a wrapper for the "ssh" command. It improves on "ssh" by allowing you to specifying password as a command- ...
This FilenameFilter allows the matching of files with a certain suffix. ... This method called by the File object to determine whether to accept a filename.