DOSKEYEdits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros. DOSKEY [/REINSTALL] [/LISTSIZE=size] [/MACROS[:ALL | :exename]] [/HISTORY] [/INSERT | /OVERSTRIKE] [/EXENAME=exename] [/MACROFILE=filename] [macroname=[text]] /REINSTALL Installs a new copy of Doskey. /LISTSIZE=size Sets size of command history buffer. /MACROS Displays all Doskey macros. /MACROS:ALL Displays all Doskey macros for all executables which have Doskey macros. /MACROS:exename Displays all Doskey macros for the given executable. /HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory. /INSERT Specifies that new text you type is inserted in old text. /OVERSTRIKE Specifies that new text overwrites old text. /EXENAME=exename Specifies the executable. /MACROFILE=filename Specifies a file of macros to install. macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create. text Specifies commands you want to record. UP and DOWN ARROWS recall commands; ESC clears command line; F7 displays command history; ALT+F7 clears command history; F8 searches command history; F9 selects a command by number; ALT+F10 clears macro definitions. The following are some special codes in Doskey macro definitions: $T Command separator. Allows multiple commands in a macro. $1-$9 Batch parameters. Equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs. $* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on command line. |
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