dirsdirs: dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directories find their way onto the list with the `pushd' command; you can get back up through the list with the `popd' command. The -l flag specifies that `dirs' should not print shorthand versions of directories which are relative to your home directory. This means that `~/bin' might be displayed as `/homes/bfox/bin'. The -v flag causes `dirs' to print the directory stack with one entry per line, prepending the directory name with its position in the stack. The -p flag does the same thing, but the stack position is not prepended. The -c flag clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. +N displays the Nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero. -N displays the Nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero. |
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