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rdesktop 1.6.0 with Mouse Buttons Patch

rdesktop version 1.6.0, now distributed with current major Linux operating systems, has created a problem for left-handed mouse vs. right-handed mouse mappings. In the past, when you change the mouse button mapping to left-handed on your Linux system, then using rdesktop automatically maps the left-handed buttons on the remote Windows session without having to remap it in Windows. In version 1.6.0, the remote system is not automatically mapped, meaning you have to map it to left-handed mouse on the remote system as well.

This change is fine for users who is strictly left-handed users. However, for ambidextrous users who uses both hands mapped on different computer systems at different times, this creates a huge usability problem. Why would someone want to do this? Well, one good reason is to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome by changing hands and using different input devices continuously.

openSUSE documented this problem clearly in "SDB:Rdesktop - Left Handed Mouse Mapping in openSUSE 11.1". It even provides a patch and instructions to modify rdesktop 1.6.0 with a "-M" flag, which "do not map logical mouse buttons to physical". rdesktop on SourceForge is still at 1.6.0 and does not contain this patch.

The instruction is easy to follow for developers. But it is no where close to being useable to regular consumers. We have patched rdesktop 1.6.0 for our own use. And we have decided to distribute the patched version here to provide convenience for everyone. The patched archive below includes the entire GPL source code downloaded SourceForge. The source code has been patched based on the instructions. It also include the binaries as compiled on CentOS 5.5 on an Intel processor.

You should be able to use the binary executable directly on other Intel Linux computers with Linux kernel 2.6. If you have a different platform and cannot use the binary executable directly, simply run "./configure", "make", and "make install".

Attached File: rdesktop 1.6.0 with Mouse Buttons Patch.tar.gz (981 KB)

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 17:15:28 +0000

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Title: Left-Handed Mouse Where Buttons are Physically Swapped
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Does a left-handed mouse where buttons are physically swapped exist? What I mean by that is that the left physical button actually acts as the right button in the operating system (OS). And the right physical button acts as the left button in the OS. I know you can "Switch primary and secondary butt . . .
Tracked: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 03:36:07 +0300

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