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Reduce YMMV on FatWallet

I have been using my "Highlight FatWallet New Topics" Greasemonkey script (see Greasemonkey forum) on Firefox with FatWallet all the time. It works out really well and saves me a lot of time glancing for the latest deals. I decided that I also wanted a Greasemonkey to get rid of YMMV deals. Most of the time, those deals are dead to everyone else but the original poster (OP). And some of them have so many hoops to go through; the trouble just isn't worth saving a few bucks. I say out of 100 YMMV deals, only one is worth pursuing. Not a very good ratio. I rather spend my time doing other things than browsing those slim chances. If you are like me, install the attached Greasemonkey script.

This Greasemonkey script simply reduces YMMV deals to the smallest font size and makes the title un-click-able. At first, I thought it might be nice to make the title click-able in case I ever want to click on a YMMV deal. But after using the script for about a month now, I had never had a desire to click on a YMMV deal. Therefore, I decided to release the script as-is, under version 1.0.

You are welcome to make the click modification yourself. The script is released under GPL, so you are welcome to download it and make any improvement modifications to it. All I ask is that you upload your modification with a description to share with others.

Attached File: Reduce_YMMV_on_FatWallet.user.js

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:19:08 -0700

FatWallet made a change to its recent web page layout. It caused this script to fail . . . basically not do anything.

So I have made a change in version 2.0, attached below. Now it works. When you install this script, it should replace the previous version automatically.

I've also noticed that even though the YMMV deal is no longer clickable, the "[Last Page]" behind it (if multiple pages) is still clickable.

Attached File: Reduce_YMMV_on_FatWallet_2_0.user.js

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 18:04:33 -0700

FatWallet changed its layout again, so here is version 2.1 of the script.

Attached File: Reduce_YMMV_on_FatWallet_2_1.user.js

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:04:45 -0700

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Title: Highlight FatWallet New Topics
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I have been a big fan of FatWallet. Whenever I need to spend money, I go to FatWallet's Hot Deals forum to see if I can get the best deal for whatever I need to spend money on. There are always tons of people and tons of new messages there. And that's a good thing, because you need the word of mouth . . .
Tracked: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:21:06 -0700

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