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How to change or delete a property in YouOS IDE

The YouOS programming IDE is a fairly nice environment. But it is still in its infancies. A few functionalities are still lacking. For example, you can use the "New Property" to create a new function, variable, or metadata. But once it's created, there is no easy way to change it or even to delete it through the user interface.

The only way to change or delete a property is to examine the source code. You can edit the source code by clicking "Full Text". Find the property that you want to change or delete. The properties are listed in alphabetic order. Every property has two parts: the comment used by YouOS IDE and the property definition. For example:

//#property id="17370" name="myFunc" type="F" compiled_code="Y" read_only="N" is_inherited="N" category=""

function myFunc(x, y)


To change the category of the property, you only have to change the comment. To change the argument list, you only have to change the definition. To change the property name, you'll have to change the name in both parts. To delete the property all together, you'll also have to delete both parts.

Chieh Cheng
Sat, 18 Mar 2006 13:08:42 -0800

That's not exactly true, but we haven't done a good job in making it obvious, either. When you open up the property, there is an "Edit" link on the right side (next to the word 'Definition'), which takes you back to the original definition page. We can definitely make that more obvious, though; maybe by having a link next to 'New Property'. Don't delete open(), though :)

Thanks for using our stuff... as you can tell, it's still early, but your feedback is helping us to make it better.


Sat, 18 Mar 2006 18:58:29 -0800

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