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gBook eReader Purpose

i think you need to rethink this app
this was simple redirection to google mobile website
but i am looking for app that can give me full access to gbooks account

Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:46:02 +0000

Thank you for your feedback. I believe Google distributes an app called "Google Books" that may do what you are looking for.

The "gBook eReader" app intends to allow users to read any book via the Google Books mobile interface. The benefit it provides that you can't get with using a basic web browser is that it saves the page and position of the page where you left off. The next time the app is started, it takes you right back to that position.

After receiving your cancellation request, we examined our app and found a major bug in the recent release (which you downloaded), where the above intention wasn't met. Soon after, we released version 2.0, which not only resolved that bug, but improved the user interface.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:46:49 +0000

I just downloaded your app and I'm surprised that you charge for this "app".

I would not complain if it did what it was supposed to do but it just doesn�t work.
In your reply to Michal you said that all major bugs were solved in version 2.0 but I'm using version 2.01 and this is not true.

1.- The app is not connected to the google books account.
2.- There is a bar in the middle that it shows the message "Error retrieving data"
3.- In most of the categories there are no books.
4.- In the bottom of the page it says "2009 Google" this makes me wonder were the app is pointing too.

As you can see there are too many issues that makes this app the worst investment I have made.

Waiting for your reply.........
Abraham Hirsch
Using Android 1.5

Sun, 05 Jun 2011 23:29:52 +0000

> 1.- The app is not connected to the google books account.

Indeed. The app does not connect to your Google books personal account. As mentioned to Michal, that's not this app's purpose. The purpose is to give you access to "Google Books mobile site" as described in the first sentence of the app description.

> 2.- There is a bar in the middle that it shows the message "Error retrieving data"

We could not duplicate this error yet. However, we will attempt to simulate it on an Android 1.5 simulator.

> 3.- In most of the categories there are no books.

We could not duplicate this error yet. However, we will attempt to simulate it on an Android 1.5 simulator.

> 4.- In the bottom of the page it says "2009 Google" this makes me wonder were the app is pointing too.

Google has not updated the copyright year on their Google Books mobile site. You can check it yourself. The app points to Google Books mobile site at

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 06 Jun 2011 04:20:07 +0000

> 2.- There is a bar in the middle that it shows the message "Error retrieving data"

We attempted to duplicate this problem on the Android 1.5 emulator, but the problem doesn't occur.

One possible explanation is that your cell phone dropped out of data coverage at the time you attempted to access the Google Books library. Try again with the app at a later time when your phone has data coverage again.

If the problem persists, you can compare the results with the Android browser at . If the symptom exhibits in the same manner on the Android Browser, then it's likely you are having data connection problem with your phone or your ISP. On the other hand, if gBook eReader and Android Browser behavior differently (other than the purpose described in the gBook eReader description), then please describe the difference to us so we can attempt to duplicate the problem.

> 3.- In most of the categories there are no books.

We attempted to duplicate this problem on the Android 1.5 emulator, but the problem doesn't occur.

If you can give us specific categories that contain no books, we can attempt to duplicate the problem.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 06 Jun 2011 15:49:02 +0000

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