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Gutenberg eReader - "Access Forbidden"


I am not sure what have I done or messed up, but now on opening the eReader all I get is a message access forbidden. It was the first time I have used this app and I was just downloading some books the other night when suddenly I lost the ability to do anything.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and help in this matter.

Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:59:56 +0400

Hi Helena,

Let's see if I can help you troubleshoot this problem. We will start with a few questions.

What Gutenberg eReader version are you using?

What Android version are you using? If you are using version 4 or higher, you can take a screenshot of the problem by pushing the power button and volume down button at the same time. Would you be able to send me a screenshot?

Here are a few thing you can try:

Start over. Pull the menu down in Gutenberg eReader, then select "Start Over". That may start you in the top menu.

Restart your phone. Restarting your phone, which restarts the "Gutenberg eReader" app may resolve your problem.

Clear data and cache. You can clear Gutenburg eReader's data and cache by going into Android's "Settings" -> "Apps". Tap "Gutenberg eReader". Tap the "Clear data" and "Clear cache" buttons.

Re-install. You can un-install Gutenberg eReader and then re-install it. "Uninstall" button is on the same page as the "Clear data" button. After uninstalling, go back to the Android marketplace to reinstall it.

Wed, 03 Sep 2014 03:33:36 +0400

Hi Joseph,
thanks for your prompt reply.

before sending the above original post, I have uninstalled and re-installed the Gutenberg eReader, restarted the phone,cleaned all the leftover files, but it did not solve the problem at the time. Upon receiving your email the first thing I did was to clear the data and cache. And it worked! I can now use the Gutenberg eReader without problems.

The Gutenberg eReader version I had installed is version 5.4 and android version 4.4.2.

Thank you again for your help.

Best regards,

Fri, 05 Sep 2014 00:21:28 +0400

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