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Desktop Browser: Internet Explorer Mode Didn't Work with Web Site

I ordered this app because the description said it would allow me to render web pages that REQUIRE Internet Explorer rendering to be rendered on my Acer Iconia A500 tablet. After buying it, downloading it,and testing two work sites I need it for, it absolutely WILL NOT even load the pages never mind render them. What I would really like is if this application actually worked. Is there something I need to do to make it actually work? Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 02:17:28 +0300

Have you tried changing the emulation to "Internet Explorer" first in the menu options?

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 08:49:33 +0300

Yes I did. And I hit refresh and it kept telling me that the page was not available. I had a strong internet connection as well. I tried it several different ways. I wish it did work as I need to access these sites.

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 09:55:35 +0300

If you get the "Web page not available" (black text on white background with an upside down Android figure), then your phone has temporary lost internet connection. This is outside the control of Desktop Browser. You can check if you have a connectivity problem by using the Android Browser (or multiple browsers) on any other page.

Usually, you can regain connectivity by performing the following steps from "Home":
Menu -> "Settings" -> "Wireless & networks" -> "Mobile networks" -> disable "Data enabled".

After the 3G/4G/EvDo symbol disappears, re-enable "Data enabled". When the symbol comes back, try access the web site again.

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:10:36 +0300

Based on your symptom, another data point we can have is to go to any other web sites (e.g. other than the one that is failing. If the other web site also fails to load, then it means your tablet has a connectivity problem. But if the other web sites load, but the web site you are testing against doesn't load, then you might be right about the incompatibility issue.

Is your tablet on WiFi? Or on 3G/4G/EvDo?

If it is on WiFi, check your home connection to the web site using your computer and Internet Explorer to see if you can access it at the same time you are accessing the web site on your tablet.

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:33:38 +0300

Thanks for the responses. I am using WiFi. I tried it both at work and I am now at home with my tablet beside me and the router. Have excellent connectivity to my internet. I still get no connection to the two sites I need access to using the Internet Explorer emulation. And yes, of course, I am choosing to emulate the required pages via the menu and Internet Explorer 8. I am also on my desktop right now connected to the pages I need to access. I am using Google chrome with the "IE Tab" add-on to access them on my desktop. I was hoping your app would act kind of like the IE Tab add-on does and render the page as IE does.

My tablet will not render that. It is obviously a secured site (as is the other page I need to access; my work small business server remote access). But if that is the issue then I did not see any limitation like that listed on your app page.

I hope you can help me. I really want this to work. Thanks.

Thu, 23 Feb 2012 21:17:15 +0300

Due to the detail information you've provided, we've uncovered an oversight with web sites using unverifiable SSL certificate. We have updated Desktop Browser to support these web sites. Please download the latest version from Android Market and try again. It should at least get you one step further. Thanks.

Fri, 24 Feb 2012 00:05:03 +0300

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