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Installing Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5

It's been a while since I used J2ME. The last time I used it was developing applications for Palm OS. But since then, the world has moved on. Now there are tons of new devices running Microsoft Windows Mobile. And I have recently gotten a Verizon XV6700 PDA Phone that runs Windows Mobile 5. I want to develop and run Java software on my XV6700. Browsing through Sun's Java site, I realized that Sun no longer develop Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for handheld devices. That was a shock to me because without a JVM, there is no possible way of running a Java application.

Luckily I found Mysaifu JVM, a free Java Virtual Machine for Windows Mobile. Mysaifu JVM is unique in the handheld embedded world because it actually conforms to Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), which means you can run standard Java software on it. It means you don't have to develop special software just so that it would run on an embedded handheld device. What an awesome concept. It is also freely licensed under GPL!

In this article, I will walk though installing Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5. My Verizon XV6700 supports a miniSD card slot, so that will be the installation transport and destination. The PDA's on-board RAM is limited, so there it would be wise to use a storage card instead.

1. Download the installation CAB file from Mysaifu JVM web site.
2. Copy the installation CAB file to the storage card.
3. Insert storage card into handheld device.
4. Locate the installation CAB file on the handheld device. As of this writing, the installation CAB file is called "jvm.Release.CAB".
5. Click on the installation CAB file with the stylus. The screen shows "Installing jvm.Release.CAB ..." with an empty progress bar.
6. When it asks you to 'Choose a location to install " Mysaifu JVM"', select "\Storage Card". Click "Install". The progress bar will start to fill.
7. When you are greeted with "jvm.Release.CAB was successfully installed on your device", you are done. Click "ok" to complete the installation.

You can now use the Mysaifu JVM by going to "Start -> Programs" and click on the "Mysaifu JVM" icon. View "How to use" for a general guide. In the future, I will explain how to use the Mysaifu JVM with specific Java application.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 18 Sep 2006 19:25:39 -0700

Have you tested this with the new Gmail for mobile devices which is a Java app. Google Mobile Gmail

Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:58:35 -0800

Thanks for the info. I installed Mysaifu, but it won't open jad files such as the ones offered by google at

Google Mobile Maps


Google Mobile Gmail

It seems to only find .jar files.

Any suggestions?

Tue, 07 Nov 2006 21:31:10 -0800

I am having the same problem. if anyone has found a workable solution, please post. thx

Fri, 17 Nov 2006 13:32:08 -0800

JAD is just a description file. You'll want this:

Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:24:41 -0800

I have a ploblem that I can't install Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5 .

Thu, 18 Jan 2007 00:04:49 -0800

So can you run regular Java with this program? You can't play Yahoo cards or Pogo on the Palm Treo. Is there a jar file that will help with this?

Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:15:40 -0800

I suspect you can run a lot of regular Java programs with it. I download Multi-Files Rename and ran it on Mysaifu without doing any thing special.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:53:21 -0800

Is it possible to run bluetooth application and any application which use mmapi?

Thu, 03 May 2007 08:23:29 -0700


Tue, 17 Jul 2007 18:42:42 -0700

I have O2 8125 windows mobile device, CPU is OMPA850.
I want to open online trading sites which needs java applete.
Is it possible by using Mysaifu JVM.

How can i watch live stock prizes on windows mobile device.

Please help me regarding this.

Praful Aitwade
Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:11:45 +0000

below is the message I get when I run jvm with the jar file you posted. which by the way - thank you. I have been trying to find the gmail jar file, since jad file gmails website provided does not work just as posted.

any info would be much appreciated!

java.lang.Exception: No Main-Class attribute in \Storage Card\Shit\gmail-g.jar
at java.lang.VMMainThread$
JVM exit.

Wed, 01 Aug 2007 21:20:06 +0000

Same Issue here:
While executing gmail-g.jar with the Mysaifu JVM,i recieve this:

java.lang.Exception: No Main-Class attribute in \My Documents\CannedText\GMAIL-G.JAR
at java.lang.VMMainThread$
JVM exit.

Seems something similar has already been rectified as a known bug with MySaifu JVM

Mysaifu JVM - Download

0.2.6 -> 0.2.7
Package java.awt
Fixed: FocusEvent problem.
Fixed:Deadlock in Object.wait()/notify().
Fixed:When execute the class which compiled with JDK1.5, following error occurred.

Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal
index in ldc_w
at SoundTest.main (
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative (Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
at java.lang.VMMainThread$ (
at (
JVM exit.

Some enlightenment please!

Mohit Srivastava
Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:16:18 +0000

hi, i seem to have the same problem like the rest...i have vx6700, and i success install the masaifu jmv...but when i run,,, still give me a bunch of command line...any further insttruck to run java app?

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:01:16 +0000

Apparently this JVM can't really do a lot. The creator of this program needs some help, I guess.

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:05:13 +0000

Actually this is for native JavaSE not JavaME, this is why you keep getting errors. Use your onboard Midlet manager to run Google Maps or GMail. Mysaifu can also compile .java into .class files.

Sat, 12 Jul 2008 23:09:43 +0000

winhax is right. Mysaifu JVM is for running stand-alone Java applications. To run Java applet for mobile phones, you'll have to use something else . . . like the IBM MIDP 2.0 Java Emulator 2.3. See the "UI Demo in MDILet" thread.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 10 Aug 2008 23:41:07 +0000

open the "" file in your project. if you re using netbeans ; it is in your project file. and you will see this lines:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build

ide gives the path automaticly, so clear it and give the path. example:

Sat, 30 May 2009 09:13:58 +0000

Windows Mobile. Mysaifu JVM is unique in the hand held embedded world because it actually conforms to Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), which means you can run standard Java software on it. It means you don't have to develop special software just so that it would run on an embedded hand held device. What an awesome concept. It is also freely licensed under GPL!.Really i am impressed from this post....the person who create this post he is a great human..thanks for shared this with us.i found this informative and interesting blog so i think so its very useful and knowledge able......

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Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:54:51 +0000

I tried to install Mysaifu JVM to PcoketPC windows Mobile 5 Emulator. But it shows installation unsuccessful.Any idea what might be wrong?

Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:08:28 +0000

You should provide more details on the installation failure . . . such as how did you install it? With EXE? With CAB? On the Windows Mobile 5 device? Through ActiveSync? What's the exact error message?

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 20 Nov 2009 17:57:54 +0000


Further question about Mysaifu jvm.
Does Mysaifu JVM supported Winodws CE?

When I try to install it on Winodws CE 5.0 Emulator there threw error messages which said:
"The application cannot run on this device type. Please install the application specific to this device type"

Thank you for your time!
Have a nice day!

Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:42:35 +0000

Is Windows CE 5 the same as Windows Mobile 5? I have Mysaifu JVM running on both Windows Mobile 5 and 6 without any problems.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:51:08 +0000

When I load and run against an ap with MYsaifu I get the following message: java.awt.AWTError:Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.jarva.awt.peer.wce.WCEToolkit at etc. Can anyone please tell what this is? I didn't think that there had to be any else loaded.


Thu, 15 Jul 2010 10:03:07 +0000

My client having new model of motorola handheld ES400 with windows mobile6.5, but his application is JAVA based. can i know any website who can provide the JVM for those handhelds so he can run his software.



saud ali shah
Sat, 06 Nov 2010 09:04:12 +0000

Try the link in the original post of this thread.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:34:36 +0000

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Title: Changing File Name Extension on Windows Mobile 5
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: I have an Verizon XV6700 PDA phone. It's running Microsoft Windows Mobile 5. With the Belkin Wireless Infrared Keyboard I have, the phone and keyboard combination could almost match a full-fledge personal computer. I use it to take notes, write articles, remote access to my server, and surf the web. . . .
Tracked: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 16:46:24 -0700

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