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Disabling User Account Control on Windows 8 (GPL)

Windows 8 is a real control freak. Every little thing I try to do requires administrator privilege. And even after changing "User Account Control Settings" to minimum in Control Panel, it still wants to dictate what I can and cannot do. Unlike Windows 7, where you can actually turn off UAC through the Control Panel, Windows 8 only allows you to silence it a bit, but doesn't actually allow you to turn it off.

But you can disable UAC in Windows 8 via some registry trick. However,to ease your life, you can simply run the attached script to turn it off for you. You must use the "Run as administrator" option to run this script. Then reboot your computer.

Note: one drawback to turning off UAC in Windows 8 is that you lose access to the Microsoft Store. You'll simply get a message that says, "This app can't open. Store can't open while User Account Control is turned off." But luckily, we'll provide a UAC enabling script for you as well (see TrackBack below). You can simply turn UAC on and off as you desire.

"Disable UAC.cmd" is distributed as executable source code under the GNU General Public License. Please see the license agreement elsewhere on this site. If you make changes to this batch file, please feel free to upload it back here to share it with others.

Attached File: Disable UAC.cmd (781 B)

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:53:07 +0400

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Title: Enabling User Account Control on Windows 8 (GPL)
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: If you have disabled UAC with our disabling script (see TrackBack below), then it is likely this enabling script will be useful to you. You simply have to "Run as administrator" to make the change. Then reboot your computer for the change to take effect. "Enable UAC.cmd" is distributed as executable . . .
Tracked: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:55:28 +0400

Title: Start NTP Server (GPL)
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: Windows has Network Time Protocol (NTP) server built into its operating system. However, on most versions of Windows, it is disabled by default. To enable it, you have to change Windows Registry, then start the NTP server. To make your life easier, we have written a Windows batch script to enable th . . .
Tracked: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 02:47:06 +0300

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